Wednesday, March 11, 2009

simple as a flower, and that's a complicated thing

Calluses are definitely building up. Left fingertips = rough; right fingertips = smooth.

Oddly, my ring finger has the thickest callus buildup.

A nice fringe benefit: keeping my fingernails short. BG (before guitar) I'd never think about cutting them and next thing I knew I'd have these monstrous hell-nails that would develop tears and sharp spots and they would snag things and look totally disgusting. Having nice short nails all the time is way better.

Tried playing without looking at my left hand today. It was hard, but got easier as I practiced more.

Today I thought: Man, I SUCK! But then I thought, So what? I'm having fun and with luck, The Mighty Sam won't be driven to strangle me in my sleep. And anyway, I haven't even been practicing for a full week yet. I'm going to suck for a while.

It's hard to be patient. But it helps if what you're working on is fun even though you suck.

My favorite song to play right now is "No New Tale to Tell." Because the right-hand stuff is simple enough that I can make it sound kind of the way it's supposed to sound. "Kind of" being used in the most loosest way. And also because all the switches from C to F have improved my F, big time. I still play a shitty F. But at least it's recognizable.

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